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SEND Sufficiency Strategy 2024 to 2030

Funding and governance for the SEND Sufficiency Strategy 2024 to 2030

The work on the local plan is including developer contributions to develop Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision. Existing basic need funding is also supporting capital projects. This will be subject to capital funding being agreed over the period of the plan. Plans will be based on the difference in unit costs between in-city provision, within our own schools, and independent sector provision. The savings will continue to reduce, pressures on the Dedicated Schools Grant. The new banded funding system will make the resourcing of additional places more transparent and equitable for revenue costs.

Governance of this strategy and sufficiency plan will be provided by the multi-agency SEND Partnership and Board that oversees York’s overarching SEND and Inclusion Strategy, and via Schools Forum York will annually review the Sufficiency Plan to ensure that it still meets the needs of the authority and considers any variations in demand.