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SEND Sufficiency Strategy 2024 to 2030

The outcomes of the SEND Sufficiency Strategy 2024 to 2030

This strategy aims to ensure more children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) can be educated in appropriate provision close to home. The following measures will determine our success.

We'll see:

  • improved user satisfaction around placements reported by families and young people. This will be measured through feedback surveys, the numbers of appeals to the tribunal in relation to placements, the numbers/length of time that children are without a placement and through school specific measures
  • an increase in the proportion of students being able to be educated in their local community schools
  • a reduction in the number of children attending independent placements
  • a reduction in the numbers of pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) travelling for more than 1 hour to reach school and a sustainable public expenditure on transport
  • fewer ‘in-phase transfers’ for children and young people
  • reductions in exclusions of children with SEND
  • reductions in school non-attendance for children with SEND
  • an increase in the proportion of young people with SEND aged 16 and above attending education and achieving qualifications
  • improved preparation for adulthood outcomes, measured through tracking:
    • the auditing of Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
    • progress towards outcomes within EHCPs
    • destinations following the annual review process
    • ceasing of EHCPs
  • consistent entry and exit criteria in place for all specialist provision, according to need. Guidance will be in place on the local offer to support families with decision making in relation to these
  • SEN Caseworkers attending annual reviews of all out of area placements to ensure that there is effective quality assurance of commissioned provision so that children and young people have the right support at the right time
  • celebration events when educational outcomes are met for young people and plans can be appropriately ceased
  • the opportunity for pupils to complete qualifications post-16 outside of school and college settings
  • effective use of a range of data sources including an integrated data dashboard to support robust future planning and decision-making