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Post-16 education options

Specialist colleges

Specialist colleges are often referred to as Independent Specialist Providers or ISPs.

Some students and their families or parent carers seek residential education placements at an ISP. Residential colleges offer full time further education programmes for students post-19 for 1, 2 or 3 years.

The local authority is only able to support a residential place at an ISP when all local options have been fully explored and where there is clear case for a young person’s learning to be enhanced by this experience. It's not sufficient for the young person to attend a residential educational placement solely to improve their independent living skills.

You can view an approved list of Independent Special Schools and Special post-16 institutions in England and Wales from the Secretary of State.

Further information on colleges can be obtained from your Specialist Learning and Employment Adviser, or by contacting the Association of National Specialist Colleges (Natspec).

Applying for a school place in York