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Post-16 education options

Personalised learning and work experience programmes

Personalised learning and work experience programmes provide an exciting alternative which places the focus on work experience accompanied by a bespoke package of learning which prepares the learner for employment (or volunteering) and independent living, building towards living a full adult life in York. This pathway would be appropriate for young people who would like to continue their education when they leave school and require a more flexible programme than is available through a solely college or training provider based route.

It combines 3 elements:

  1. education and training with the opportunity to gain further qualifications and employability skills
  2. leisure activities with the opportunity to meet and socialise with other students
  3. work experience and voluntary opportunities in an area suited to the young person’s interests and ideas with a sustained period of time in a placement with one or more organisations to help build a track record of experience for a CV as well as strengthen employability skills

Read more about the following providers:

Personalised Learning is designed to meet the individual needs of young people. The student can choose the direction that they want to go in and develop the skills they need. This can include learning life skills, managing more independence and moving towards employment.

Personalised Learning is open to young people aged 16 to 25 years old who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP.)

Personalised Learning Pathways (PLPs) at Blueberry Academy can be towards Employment or Independence, or a mixture of both.

All Pathways are initially for 1 year and run for 3 or 4 days per week, depending upon the needs of the individual student.

Students can attend for 1, 2 or 3 years, as long as they are still making educational progress.

Blueberry delivers these programmes on behalf of York Learning, as part of City of York Council's local offer to support young people in preparing for adulthood. Each student has an individual programme which is tailored to their personal independence or employment goals.

Blueberry also delivers PLPs in Selby and Scarborough on behalf of North Yorkshire Adult Learning.

Learning and training can take place in the following ways:

  • through taught sessions (group or one-to-one) in our Learning Hubs
  • in our own in-house supported employment activities
  • through organised community activity or volunteering opportunities
  • on a work placement or Supported Internship, supported by a Blueberry Job Coach

For more information, read the Blueberry Academy Facebook page.

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Choose2Youth provide a tailor-made approach to learning programmes. A programme is designed to suit each young person’s needs. For example, current students take part in:

  • skills for life
  • functional skills
  • drama
  • communication
  • horticulture
  • upcycling
  • physical exercise including crossfit, rebound, hydro and swimming

Students are also supported in a variety of work placements and Choose2 have their own training café within the Hull Road Park.

This is an individual person-centred programme based upon input from the student, parents/carers and support professionals. Students may progress on to further learning, volunteering, supported employment or a range of local activities in York.

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Tang Hall Smart CIC is the ‘go-to’ place for post-16 students who enjoy music, art, drama, or dance. It is also the place for those who require a higher degree of flexibility and attention to the needs and interests of the individual than would be found in larger settings. From 2022, they are operating out of 2 sites, The Centre@Burnholme, Mossdale Avenue, where they have a suite of 7 rooms, but also The Jam Factory in the Groves, which includes several sound-proofed rehearsal rooms, and a fantastic recording studio.

Core programmes in music or arts, are highly individualised to suit students of any ability, from entry level to A Level equivalent. All programmes are accredited by RSL, who are the industry respected vocational qualifications awarding body for creative and performing arts.

The standard core programme is for 14 hours and would be spread over 3 days. Students can opt to include drama, dance, electronics, and woodcraft as part of this core programme, and then functional skills would be added on top where appropriate. There is also the option to extend the programme by adding independent living skills (including cookery lessons), and/or sport/gym which could result in a 4-day timetable.

Tang Hall Smart includes access to its own digital college SMART SPACE as part of the experience, holds regular gigs and concerts, has its own record label, offers a good package of pastoral care, and from September 2022 is offering employability training for music and art industries.

More information contact Sue Williamson for a brochure and video of the course via:

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The Toolbox Project is a social enterprise designed to engage with young people and adults, to educate them in the world of motor mechanics. The Toolbox Project could be part of a personalised learning programme. Most 16- to 25-year-olds who go to Toolbox attend for 2 days a week and do maths and English work with a tutor at other times.

Students work on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. Students work towards AQA certificates and work on everything from a push bike up to a top end race motorcycle. It is suitable for young people who would like to learn about motor vehicle mechanics but for whatever reason are not ready to do a motor vehicle course at either York College or Askham Bryan College.

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Ad Astra offer a highly practical and engaging outdoor education programme, which is founded on our partnership with Natural England and other large organisations, focusing on land-based studies, communication and positive behaviour reinforcement. Our explicit focus on oracy is particularly powerful in helping students to understand and articulate barriers and triggers for poor behaviour and this allows us to build a bespoke programme to help facilitate engagement in education and reintegration to school.

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United Response offers media training courses. Areas include video production, video editing, photography, animation, podcast and vlog production. There is flexibility within the courses to allow the young person the opportunity to explore their own media interests. The courses also focus on employability, preparing for adulthood and developing independence skills. Functional Skills Maths and English is taken alongside. Telephone: 01904 672575, email: [email protected] or email: [email protected] for more information.

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