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Education and childcare (0-25)

Education and Childcare (0-25)

This section of the website outlines different education options available in York at each stage of your child’s life. From early years education settings, to choosing the correct primary and secondary school, to understanding the post-16 education options available, and to suit your child’s needs.


Discover the different types of childcare in York and how to apply for them.

Early Years

Discover the different types of Early Years settings in York and how to access them.

Primary education

Read about York’s primary school offer; learn about mainstream, enhanced resource and specialist provision for primary aged children.

Secondary education

Read about York’s secondary school offer; learn about mainstream, enhanced resource and specialist provision for secondary aged children.

Post-16 education options

Read about York’s post-16 education offer; learn about the different options available to your young person when they leave secondary school.

Elective Home Education

Read about Elective Home Education which is the term used to describe the education provided by parent carers at home, rather than providing education for their children by sending them to school.