Post-16 education options
Post-16 education options

After secondary school education will change. For most the focus is on preparation for adult life. Learning could become more vocational, helping you to identify opportunities for potential employment in the future, and enabling you to develop the skills you will need to be successful. For some the focus will be on improving communication and independent living skills.
Most college courses are 3 days per week and other learning programmes are usually 3 or 4 days giving you time for other activities, outside of education, which could continue into adult life.
A Post-16 Pathways Guide has been developed with the Specialist Learning and Employment Advisers. The booklet outlines the post-16 opportunities available in York. For those with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the designated Specialist Learning and Employment Adviser can provide information on the different opportunities available and understand how they may be able to meet individual needs.
Find out more about how education settings in York will monitor your child's progression and development.
There are many post 16 options available, including:
- Colleges
- Sixth forms
- Study programmes
- Other training and learning opportunities
- Personalised learning and work experience programmes
- University
- Independent Specialist Providers
An education setting where students over the age of 16 are trained in a particular subject or skill, earning a qualification; the Post-16 Guide outlines all of the colleges in York and the opportunities available through them.
Sixth forms
The final 2 years of secondary education, ages 16 to 18, usually to study for A-Levels; the Post-16 Guide outlines all of the sixth forms in York.
Study programmes
Study programmes bring together help to get a job and live independently; study programmes include qualifications, work experience, and life skills.
Other training and learning opportunities
Vocational training opportunities that include English, Maths, ICT as well as different job related training and employability skills.
In York, York Learning, The Princes Trust Team Programme and York Mind offer vocational training. The Post-16 Guide provides more information about study programmes in York
Personalised learning and work experience programmes
These programmes focus on work experience accompanied by a bespoke package of learning which prepares the learner for employment (or volunteering) and independent living, building towards living a full adult life in York; find more information in the Post-16 Guide.
University is a further education setting in which students study for degrees and academic research is done.
Independent Specialist Providers
Independent Specialist Providers (ISPs) provide post-16 education to young people with learning difficulties and disabilities. Most students at specialist colleges have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), with their needs unable to be met at a general further education college or with local personalised learning package providers.
Please note that ISP provision can only be considered once the Local Authority are satisfied that this is the most appropriate setting to meet the range of needs outlined in your EHCP and there is clear evidence that no other local provider can do so. It is therefore advisable to fully consider all of the local colleges and other provisions such as personalised learning programmes; to understand the detail of the local offer.