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Early Years

Children's Centres

Each children’s centre across York has a centre leader, children’s centre support workers, an information champion and a Special Educational Needs champion (SEN Champion).

Families can access services both within children’s centres and through the outreach service, which works in local communities.

The children’s centres offer support for parent carers with children under 5 including:

  • parenting support
  • information and advice
  • access to local services and childcare
  • small groups for specific programmes
  • access to child and family health services
  • help and advice for parents wanting to train or return to work

Children’s centres also work closely with other early years settings, offering training and support to ensure quality of childcare provision across the city.

For more information about York’s children’s centres, please contact York Family Information Service by telephone: 01904 554444.

Applying for a school place in York