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Early Years

The types of Early Years Settings

There are many different types of Early Years Settings, including:

Day nurseries offer care and education for children aged from birth to 5 years. Nurseries can range in size and generally operate between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday and can open all year round. Day Nurseries are registered with Ofsted and inspected regularly. They may operate as a private business, a voluntary or community organisation or be a nursery school or linked to a school.

Pre-schools, Playgroups and Nursery classes provide play and early education for children aged 2 to 5 years. They generally operate during school term time offering session, mornings, afternoons and full days. Pre-schools and playgroups operate from a variety of locations including community centres, church halls and scout huts. They may operate as a private business, a voluntary or community organisation or be linked to a school. Preschools, Playgroups and Nursery classes are registered with Ofsted and inspected regularly.

Childminders offer care and education for children in their own homes. Childminders are registered and inspected by Ofsted in the same way as Day Nurseries, Pres-schools and Playgroups. They offer a flexible service, including full days, before and after school provision caring for children aged from birth to 11 years.

Nanny or home child carers are carers who look after children in the family home, can fit in with unusual hours and working patterns and can apply to Ofsted to be on the voluntary childcare register.

Out of school clubs provide safe and stimulating play opportunities for school age children at times when schools are not open. They can operate before, after or during school holidays. Out of school clubs typically cater for children aged 4 to 15 but some clubs may accommodate younger children. Out of school clubs operate from a variety of locations including community centres, church halls and scout huts. They may operate as a private business, a voluntary or community organisation or be linked to a school. They are registered with Ofsted and inspected regularly.

Some provision may be delivered as part of the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Programme.

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