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Preparing for Adulthood Transition Planning and Support step-by-step process

Process for those in year 12 (ages 16 and 17)

If you’re a young person and family, you should:

  1. if the young person opts out to continue in education, ask what do they want to do?
  2. seek advice around benefits
  3. discuss travel training with those young people who could travel independently after some initial support

If the child or young person is involved with Children's Social Care (CSC), you should:

  1. complete a Child In Need (CIN) and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) annual review and provide an update for the Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) team
  2. refer the young person to Adult Social Care (ASC) if eligibility criteria has been met
  3. conduct a Mental capacity assessment, if it is deemed that child lacks capacity
  4. at age 17, a Court of Protection (COP) review should be completed if you've been instructed to complete one by the Court of Protection
  5. complete a Continuum Healthcare Checklist (CHC) if health needs identified that cannot be met via universal services and who is likely to meet CHC criteria at 18 years old

If the child or young person is involved with the Pathway team, you should:

  1. develop a Pathway Plan which needs to be co- produced with young person. Discuss Staying Put with the young person
  2. undertake pathway life skills booklet with young person and their carers. Ensure that young person has a copy of the Local Offer or access to the Local Offer website

If the child or young person is involved with the Special Educational Needs Department (SEND), you should:

  1. complete an annual EHCP review
  2. ensure the EHCP for transitioning young people is reviewed 5 months before transfer

If the child or young person is involved with the Integrated Care Board (ICB), you should at 16, refer them to the CHC for an initial checklist screening if applicable

If the child or young person is involved with the PfA team, you should:

  1. ensure that CSC refers to PfA with a transition plan. A social worker is assigned to them after age 17
  2. ensure an adult social worker from PfA provides advice and guidance at Year 12 review