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Preparing for Adulthood Transition Planning and Support step-by-step process

Process for those in year 11 (ages 15 and 16)

If you’re a young person and family, you should:

  1. visit post-16 provision when relevant, referring to Local Offer
  2. practice skills for travelling as independently as possible. Think about what the young person might need for the future for college, for work, and getting out and about
  3. look at housing on the Local Offer website
  4. ensure the young person has an annual health check via the General Practitioner (GP) if eligible with participating GP surgeries

If the child or young person is involved with Children's Social Care, you should:

  1. ensure an Annual Child In Need (CIN) review takes place - referral to Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) should take place
  2. at 15 years 9 months, apply to Court of Protection for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) if the child or young person lacks capacity

If the child or young person is involved with the Pathway team, you should keep in mind that:

  1. the Pathways planning takes place from age 15 and a half years old
  2. the pathway needs assessment will be completed by allocated Social Worker (SW) and the Pathway Plan will be developed by 16 and a half years old
  3. at 15 years and 9 months old, an application to Court of Protection for DoLS if child or young deemed to lack capacity and is accessing respite or is in:
    1. foster care
    2. residential car
    3. own tenancy

If the child or young person is involved with the Special Educational Needs Department (SEND), you should:

  1. ensure an annual Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) review occurs, providing information and ensuring a transition plan is implemented and updated to include independent travel outcomes
  2. in year 11, a one-to-one career advice session should take place

If the child or young person is involved with the Integrated Care Board (ICB), you should ensure an appropriate health representative to attend CIN and EHCP reviews if appropriate where there is complex health involvement.

If the child or young person is involved with the Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) team, you should:

  1. provide an update to PfA team through the children's social worker
  2. give an oversight of the cohort of young people with EHCPs who are likely to require support from adult services