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Preparing for Adulthood Transition Planning and Support step-by-step process

Process for those in year 9 and 10 (ages 13 to 15)

If you’re a young person and part of a family, you should:

  1. fact find about post-16 provision
  2. ensure the young person’s views are included within an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) annual review
  3. support the young person to develop and keep friendships
  4. access information about any out of school activities
  5. request an Annual Health Check via your General Practitioner (GP)

If the child or young person is involved with Children's Social Care you should remember that:

  1. a child looked after by the Local Authority (LA) needs a Personal Educational Plan (PEP) which should be led by the Independent reviewing Officer (IRO)
  2. a Child in Need (CIN) needs to have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) meeting to plan for adulthood at 14

If the child or young person is involved with the Special Educational Needs Department (SEND):

  1. in year 9, an annual EHCP review should be completed. All involved need to be invited
  2. you should signpost the young person and their parent carers to the Local Offer

If the child or young person is involved with the Integrated Care Board (ICB), you should:

  1. at age 14, children who are in receipt of Continuum Care (CC), need their nurse to notify the Adult Continuing Health Care Team
  2. ensure that the ICB provide a health report for CIN and EHCP reviews

If the child or young person is involved with the Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) team, you should keep an oversight of the cohort of young people with EHCPs who are likely to require support from adult services. The Children’s Social Care (CSC) team and the SEND to notify the PfA team.