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York's Model of Joint Partnership working (co-production)

York's Model of Joint Partnership working (co-production)

Services working together with children, young people and families across the City of York

A Joint Partnership (co-production) modeland audit framework for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Services in York, September 2020.

Main authors:

  • Laura Brown - Local Offer and Participation Officer, City of Yok Council
  • Karen McNicholas - Senior Quality Lead Children and Young People, NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group

List of contributors:

  • Ruth Thompson - York Inspirational Kids
  • Liz Allen - York Tourette’s Parents Group
  • Theresa Ollereshaw - Parent
  • Tanya Beresnevich - Parent and young person
  • Louise Mouncey - Parent
  • Victoria Binks - Head of Engagement NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Gillian Bucklow - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service
  • Olivia Verity - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service
  • Rachel Thomas - SENCO, Westfield Primary School
  • Anna Mehta, SENCO, Fulford Secondary School
  • Alison Brown - Senior Manager, Allied Health Professionals
  • Fiona Gospel - Clinical Psychology
  • Victoria Burns - SENCO, York High School
  • Pam Toas - Team Leader Special School and Community Children’s Nursing
  • Susan De Val - Children’s specialist health commissioner
  • Sally Smith - Designated Medical Officer, Paediatrician, York Teaching Hospital
  • Clare Donovan - Learning Support, Askham Bryan College
  • Nicola Greenwood - Short Breaks Manager, City of York Council (CYC)
  • Caroline Coates - SENDO, CYC
  • Alison Edeson - Skills Manager, CYC
  • Ruth Horner - Preparing for Adulthood Coordinator, CYC
  • Graham Reagan - SENCO, Manor Academy
  • Caroline Blackney-Sharpe - SENCO, All Saints Secondary School
  • Helen Horner - SENDO, CYC
  • Sue Day - Head of SEND and Inclusion, CYC
  • Janet Bennet - York Education, CYC
  • Carmel Appleton - Advocacy Team, CYC
  • Nicola Dos Santos - Early Years Inclusion Adviser, CYC
  • Lynne Johns - Specialist Teaching Team, CYC
  • Tina Hardman - Principal Educational Psychologist, CYC
  • Lisa Booker - SENDO, CYC
  • Dallas Frank - Head of Quality Assurance and Safeguarding
  • Jenna Tucker - Team Leader, Children’s Therapies
  • Sal Katib - Head of Children Nursing

To avoid ambiguity and support understanding of this document a glossary of commonly used terms, abbreviations and acronyms are:

  • Allied Health Professionals – collective name for registered health professionals in health who are not medical or nursing: Speech & Language, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy (not medical or nursing)
  • Audit – the method by which there is a formal structured approach to inspecting and measuring the compliance, quality, effectiveness and impact of the service provided
  • CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
  • CCG – Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Children and Families Act 2014 - a single act of parliament which describes the lawful instructions and requirements related to child and family welfare. Part 3 of the Act relates to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. This sets out the statutory responsibilities of those who commission, plan and provide services.
  • Commissioning – the process of procuring and arranging services based on population needs and supporting evidence. In this context this may be from a health, social or education perspective.
  • CYC – City of York Council
  • CYP – Children and Young People
  • EHCP – Education, Health and Care Plan
  • Individual – referring to child, young person, parent, carers own experience
  • JSNA - Joint Strategic Needs Assessment: a collection of data resources, data and information from a variety of sources which describes the health and wellbeing of the local population. It supports those commissioning services with an evidence base of what is required for the future.
  • LA - Local Authority
  • NHS Vale of York CCG – the local Clinical Commissioning group responsible for organising health provision across York
  • SEN/D – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
  • SENDIASS – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service
  • Stakeholder – the spectrum of everyone involved from those receiving services to those who provide and commission services, including the voluntary and advocacy services sector
  • Strategic – the overarching set of activities and operating structures put in place to deliver and achieve goals for the population
  • TEWV – Tees, Esk, Wear Valley. An acronym for mental health provider
  • Therapies – this often refers to a range of interventions that support improvements in emotional, psychological and physical health. Examples are: physiotherapy, Speech and Language therapy (often referred to as SLT), Occupational Therapy and behavioural therapy.
  • YIK – York Inspirational Kids
  • YTHFT - York Teaching Hospital (Foundation Trust)