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Applying for a school place in York

Transferring to Post 16 settings for young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan

The move from school to post 16 providers is an exciting time for young people. There is some great general advice online. The Moving up website is particularly helpful.

In York we aim to make this transition as smooth as possible. By law, the process is different for young people with an EHC Plan. This applies to both general Further Education (FE) Settings and specialist settings.

If your child does not have an EHC Plan you will need to apply for settings using their own admissions process.

If you/your child has an EHC Plan and is in year 11, you will have the opportunity to submit a preference in the Autumn Term of year 11 using the Post 16 York SEND Preference form.

If your child is currently being assessed for an EHC Plan but it has not been finalised, you are advised to apply for a place using the setting’s standard admissions process. This will ensure they have a place if the EHC Plan is not agreed. Your SEN caseworker will discuss your preferences if and when the plan is agreed to be issued.

Timetable for transfer to post 16

Year 9 and year 10

Use the Annual Review meeting to check the plan accurately describes need and discuss the future. What might adulthood look like? What might be the best post 16 setting to support this?

Year 11 autumn term - September to December

Visit all the settings you are considering.

Complete the Post 16 York SEND Preference form.

Your completed preference forms should be returned to email: [email protected] as soon as they are completed.

City of York Council will send formal consultation to your preferred settings.

Consultations may also be sent to the settings deemed appropriate by City of York Council, in line with efficient use of resources.

Year 11 spring term

City of York Council is required to issue a final or amended final EHC Plan naming the destination setting by 31 March of your year 11 academic year.

Information about settings

See further information on the available post-16 education options.

Making your choices

If your child has an EHC Plan and is due to transfer to Post 16 education in September 2025, you will have the opportunity to submit a list of your preferred settings in the Autumn Term of Y11 using the Post 16 York SEND Preference form.

Please complete all parts of the form and ensure email addresses are clear and up to date as this is how we will communicate with you.

If any of your preferences are for a school in another local authority area you must still complete the City of York Council Post 16 York SEND Preference form and name the settings on the form; we will contact the setting on your behalf in order to seek a view on the suitability and availability of a place.

Remember, they may not be able to offer your child a place, therefore, it is advisable to also consider the provision in York.

If you do not submit a completed preference form before 15 December

If you do not submit a Preference Form, we will:

  • seek advice from your child’s current school;
  • consider all information available such as the most recent Annual Review and current EHC Plan; and
  • proceed to consult with the closest appropriate setting in order to secure a placement

How places are allocated

All places are allocated in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice (2015), which requires that a decision is made after taking into account the child’s special educational needs, parental preference and the formal view of the settings requested.

City of York Council is required to comply with parental preference for a state funded school unless:

  • the placement is unsuitable to the child’s age, ability, aptitude or SEN; or
  • the placement would be incompatible with the efficient education of the other children who the child would be educated with; or
  • incompatible with the efficient use of resources

If you're unhappy about the setting or college named on your EHC Plan

If you would like to discuss the school, college or provision that is named on the EHC Plan then you can discuss with the SEN Lead at the setting in the first instance or you can also speak to Caseworker. Please note that while the caseworker can listen to your concerns and give advice, they will not be able to immediately overturn any offer or decision.

If you disagree with the setting or provision, we have named you can appeal to the SEN and Disability Tribunal.

The views and opinions of children, young people and their families are important to us. We want your voices to be heard.