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Education other than at school

Review and monitoring of education other than at school packages

Review meetings will be held up to 6 times a year. One of these meetings will be the statutory review of the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). A statutory review must take place annually and should be completed within 12 months of the initial EHCP being finalised or within 12 months of the previous review. There is the same duty on local authorities to conduct an annual review when a child is educated otherwise than at school. All timescales and obligations remain the same throughout the annual review process however, the local authority will want to see ongoing evidence that it is still inappropriate for your child to be educated in an educational setting.

The remaining monitoring review meetings should include:

  • parent carers
  • the child or young person (in the most appropriate manner)
  • health professionals
  • providers delivering elements of the Education Plan
  • Special Educational Needs (SEN) Caseworker or Manager
  • Children’s Social Care (where appropriate)

The purpose of the meeting is to review:

  • how the child or young person is progressing towards the outcomes in the EHCP
  • whether the Education Plan remains suitable and meets the child or young person’s evolving needs
  • what progress has been made to secure a long-term placement for the child or young person and how integration will be supported

Where attendance is poor, an EHCP review meeting will be called, to establish if the provision is appropriate.

Alternative Provision