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Education other than at school

Arrangements for education other than at school packages of education

If the legal threshold for an Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) package is reached, the local authority will develop an appropriate EOTAS package in partnership with the child or young person and their family.

An EOTAS package needs to:

  • support the child or young person’s aspirations, ensuring the child’s voice is central to all decision-making
  • ensure provision meets the educational outcomes of the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • provide the child or young person with a broad and balanced curriculum, including core subjects
  • prepare for transition to post-16, including the opportunity to achieve appropriate accreditation
  • consider preparation for adulthood
  • ensure provision for pastoral support
  • focus on helping to address and overcome the barriers which are preventing them from accessing school and facilitate integration into a long-term setting wherever possible, as soon as possible
  • educate in accordance with wishes of parents, so far as that is compatible with the provision of efficient instruction and training and the avoidance of unreasonable public expenditure

All children and young people are entitled to a full-time suitable education. The law does not define ‘full-time’ but the Department for Education states that if a child or young person receives one-to-one tuition, the hours of provision could be fewer as this is more concentrated than being in a school setting.

Whilst EOTAS is being considered, the school will continue to have responsibility to provide an education to the child or young person and deliver the provision outlined in the current EHCP. They will remain on the roll of the school until the EHCP is finalised. If EOTAS is agreed the law has determined that Section I of the plan should be left blank as the child will be removed from the school roll at a formal education setting and the provision regarding the package should be set out in Section F of the plan.

Under an EOTAS package, City of York Council (CYC) is then responsible for the child or young person’s education and the child/young person will not be required to be on the roll of an educational setting. This will be regularly reviewed to ensure the child or young person returns to an educational setting as soon as they are able.

CYC may choose to commission Alternative Provision (AP) providers, where they are unable to deliver directly. Any AP provision must have gone through CYC’s Quality Assurance process. For new AP provision this process can take several weeks.


The Education Plan will be costed, ensuring the outcomes identified within the EHCP are being met. The cost of the education package should be met within the funding of the EHCP banding. In exceptional circumstances, where this is not possible, the package will be considered by the local authority who will decide whether funding additional provision is appropriate.

Anything that sits outside of the Education Plan and EHCP will not be funded; for example, CYC do not fund:

  • household bills
  • subscriptions
  • extra-curricular activities
  • capital developments
  • Independent Alternative Provision, where CYC has provision that can meet need

Alternative Provision