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Secondary Enhanced Resource Provision

Secondary Enhanced Resource Provision

An Enhanced Resource Provision (ERP) is an additionally resourced special educational service within a mainstream secondary school.

There are 3 ERPs for Secondary aged children in York:

Each setting provides 10 places for years 7 to 11 for young people who have a diagnosis of Autism, an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and have a level of complexity that means their needs are best suited to an ERP. While the young people are taught in mainstream classes for the majority of their time (approximately 80%) they also receive specialist support and targeted group interventions to enable success in reaching more holistic outcomes and to better prepare for life after school.  This aspect of the timetable is personalised to reflect areas of strength and areas for development with the curriculum supplemented by a modified PSHE and Work/Life skills group work and occasional one-to-one session. Assessments inform the planning of targeted work and long and short-term outcomes. There is wrap-around support offered in the ERP before school, at breaks and lunchtimes and after school. The ERP would not be suitable for young people whose provision requires a more bespoke approach throughout the day.

Young people in the ERP are working at a similar academic level to their peers and will be achieving qualifications at GCSE or equivalent level.

Both ERP leads have post graduate qualifications in Autism and have received SCERTS training. Many of the teaching assistants have additional specialist qualifications and are experienced in working with children and young people with complex Communication and Interaction needs.

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Huntington ERP is a specialist provision for children and young people who require a supportive and nurturing learning environment to reach their potential. It provides education for those children and young people with social interaction and communication differences and related social anxiety. This provision has been designed for children and young people who have enjoyed a more mainstream primary education but find the secondary school environment overwhelming.

The children and young people are being taught in small groups for the majority of the school day but can access the mainstream school at Huntington for lessons, with the number of lessons dependent on strengths and specific interests. The enhanced support will focus on building confidence in social interactions in a nurturing environment to gain confidence in themselves, become more independent and progress their learning to ensure successful outcomes for adult life.

Students have an EHCP with a primary need of Communication and Interaction (with and without a diagnosis of autism) and are likely to have had support at primary focussed on self-esteem, social anxiety and managing their environment. They are working at National Curriculum levels similar to that of their peers.

Due to the nature of the building and commitment to the SCERTS approach (a focus on social communication with a variety of conversation partners) there are limited opportunities for one-to-one work, and the ERP may be unsuitable for children with a considerable amount of one-to-one described in their plan. Initially this is provision for KS3 students.

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