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Primary Special School

Primary Special School

A special school is an educational setting specifically organised to make special educational provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN). These schools are for children and young people with more complex needs, who have an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP).

In York there is one primary special school, Hob Moor Oaks Academy.

Hob Moor Oaks Academy is a special primary academy providing education for children who have significant SEN with an EHCP. Children at Hob Moor Oaks Academy have a primary need of autism, Profound and Multiple Learning Disability (PMLD) or Physical Disability (PD) but all children have a considerable gap in learning in literacy or numeracy and are likely to be working at least 3 years behind Age Related Expectations (this will be a larger gap in KS2).

There are 120 places at Hob Moor Oaks Academy, split over 15 classes. All of our classes for pupils with autism have 8 pupils, with 1 teacher and teaching assistants.

Hob Moor Oaks Academy provides a broad, balanced, creative and innovative curriculum that inspires, challenges and develops a love of learning and one which meets individual needs where appropriate.

Teachers use a highly structured classroom provision and a multi-sensory teaching and learning approach to provide a broad and balanced curriculum accessible to all pupils through our three phases of learning: Orchard, Woodland and Forest Phase. Across the school staff are trained in a range of specialist interventions and training schemes, this includes:

  • Makaton
  • PECS
  • Moving and Handling
  • Non-Abusive Psychological and Physical Intervention (NAPPI)
  • Attention Autism
  • Rebound Therapy
  • Flexi Bounce

Additional support is provided in line with the child’s EHCP by nursing, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy staff who are based at the school. The majority of children at Hob Moor Oaks transition to a specialist setting for KS3 and 4.

Admissions to Hob Moor Oaks Academy are dealt with on an individual basis. Admission decisions are made by the Local Authority based on evidence submitted by professionals regarding needs, outcomes and current provision in line with the SEN Code of Practice. Hob Moor Oaks Academy is co-located with Hob Moor Primary School and is part of the Ebor Academy Trust.

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