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Special Educational Need (SEN) support

Special Educational Need (SEN) support

Children and young people who continue to face challenges in their learning and progress, are likely to need additional strategies, or different provision, in order to meet their needs.

Schools and settings should change support where necessary for each child and must make sure they meet the reasonable special educational needs of children. This means that all education settings should be able to meet the needs of most children with a learning disability.

The purpose of Special Educational Needs (SEN) support is to help children and young people progress.

SEN support in school might look like the following:

  • making or changing materials and equipment
  • working with the child or young person in a small group
  • helping the child to take part in class activities
  • making sure the child has understood things by encouraging them to ask questions and getting them to try something they find difficult
  • helping the child to work with other children or play with them at break time
  • supporting the child with physical help or personal care such as eating, getting around school safely, toileting or dressing
  • targeted support from a teacher or teaching assistant

There are more ideas of what kind of support is available through Ordinarily Available Provision.

Schools will use the Assess Plan Do Review Cycle to identify needs, implement support and review the support to see if it is supporting the child to make expected progress.