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Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle

Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle

When a pupil is identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), educational settings such as preschools, schools and colleges should take action to put effective special educational provision in place.

The first response to such progress should be high quality teaching targeted at their areas of weakness.

All SEND support should follow the Graduated Approach. The Graduated Approach involves educational settings making assessments of individual needs, planning and trialing different types of support, and learning from what has worked and what needs revising. It includes detailed assessments, frequent reviews and specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to match interventions to the needs of children and young people.

This graduated response is also called the Assess, Plan, Do Review.

  1. Assess: school will talk to a child’s parents or the young person themselves to work out what support might be needed
  2. Plan: once a child or young person’s needs have been identified, school staff will work together with them and their family to decide what outcomes they want the child or young person to achieve and what support should be put in place to help them achieve those outcomes
  3. Do: the staff, supported by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) where relevant, should put this support into practice
  4. Review: the support received by the child or young person should be reviewed by everyone involved to see if it's working; if it is, it might continue, however, if it's not working, or if the outcomes have been achieved, some of the arrangements might be changed

Once this has been implemented, potentially for numerous successive cycles but progress is still not being made, you or school may decide it is time to request a needs assessment from the local authority. This assessment may result in an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

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