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Support for me as a parent and my family

Support for me as a parent carer and my family

Financial support

Read more about the many different types of support to ease with the financial pressures that can come with caring for a child or young person with additional needs.

Parent carer support groups

Find out more about parent carer support in and around York, including parent ran support groups, local, and national support agencies.

Resources for parent carers

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can often feel confusing or overwhelming. To support you on this journey, together with families, a list of resources, one-page guides and key information has been collated.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Service (SENDIASS)

SENDIASS provide free, impartial and confidential advice service to help with concerns or questions around education, health, social care, inclusion and preparation for adulthood.

Universal Offer Calendar for parent carers

Discover all training and advice available to families from the City of York Council on the Universal Offer Calendar.