Resources for Health and Social Care Professionals
Resources for Health and Social Care Professionals
This section of York SEND Local Offer will provide you with resources you may need in supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) as a health or social care professional.
You can also see Local Guidance and National Guidance.
Health Professionals
Read more about the:
- Designated Clinical Officer
- Associate Designated Clinical Officer
- Business Support Officer - Children and Young People
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities one page guides
Designated Clinical Officer
The Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) role is a key element in supporting health services in the implementation of the Children and Families Act and the scope of the role is very broad. The key responsibilities of the DCO are as follows:
- oversight – across all health professionals delivering healthcare to individual disabled children, young people and those with special educational needs
- co-ordination – in relation to the Local Offer, process for mediation arrangements regarding the health elements of the Education, Health and Care Plan and Education, Health and Care assessments with other key assessments such as Children and Young People’s Continuing Care assessments and Looked After Children Health assessments
- strategic – contribution to the development of a joint commissioning strategy and participation and engagement strategy
The DCO can be contacted by email: [email protected].
Associate Designated Clinical Officer (ADCO)
The Associate Designated Clinical Officer (ADCO) works closely with the DCO in supporting health services to implement the Children and Families Act. The key responsibilities of the ADCO include:
- oversight of health advice at the multi-agency Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) panels
- providing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and EHCP training in relation to health, to health providers and the local authority
- engaging with partners and stakeholders to ensure the voice of children and young people are at the centre of everything we do
The ADCO for North Yorkshire can be contacted by email: [email protected].
The ADCO for York can be contacted by email: [email protected].
Business Support Officer - Children and Young People
The Business Support Officer provides business support to the DCO and the ADCO. They also act as a first point of contact for colleagues, stakeholders, and multiple external organisations. In addition they:
- respond and signpost queries relating to Children and Young people particularly in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- advocate for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Queries relating to the York Area can be sent by email: [email protected].
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities one page guides
You can access a range of one page guides created by City of York Council, based on common questions for families. You can download and share the guides with families you work with: