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Early Years Inclusion Advisor

Early Years Inclusion Advisor

The role of the Adviser is to provide advice and guidance on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion to Early Years Providers within the Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector. A significant part of the role is to ensure that children’s needs are being met through effective delivery of the EYFS Statutory Framework and that the SEND Code of Practice is being implemented and embedded in practice.

The role involves working individually with settings in developing a whole setting approach to SEND and Inclusion and more generally across the sector for specific advice and guidance including:

  • SENCO Networks
  • SENCO training
  • Early Years Inclusion Fund enquiries and processing
  • quality assurance of PEP’s related to Early Years settings
  • working alongside external partners and stakeholders to develop York’s SEND training offer
  • wider dissemination with partners on highlighting external CPD offers
  • regular attendance and participation in the Learning Support Hub
  • working collaboratively with the Early Years and Childcare Service, FIS and SENDIASS to ensure that barriers are removed for children with SEND to access Early Years provision and that children are able to access their early education funded hours
  • engagement with strategies both in place and under development to ensure that York’s most vulnerable children continue to make better outcomes, for example Early Talk for York approach