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Learning support hub

Learning Support Hub

Aiming to support mainstream settings to provide:

Early and accurate identification of needs, high-quality teaching of a knowledge-rich curriculum and prompt access to targeted support where it is needed.

The Learning Support Hub is the process whereby schools and settings can request either learning support for a specific child or young person (Targeted Support for a child or young person) or for staff training, group learning or guidance (Universal Offer Targeted Training).

To access support, request forms from this page must be completed and returned appropriately. A half termly panel is held to consider the requests made. Please note: there are deadlines for request each term and any requests made after the deadline will not be taken to panel that term, they will be transferred to the following panel.

The next closing date for request for support is Monday 13 January 2025 at noon. The Learning Support Meeting will be held on Tuesday 21 January 2025 for Spring 2 2025.

Further dates for Learning Support Hubs next year are:

  • Tuesday 21 January 2025
  • Tuesday 11 March 2025
  • Tuesday 29 April 2025
  • Tuesday 24 June 2025

Please note: deadlines are midday on the Monday 8 days before the meeting.

Teams support can be requested from:

Find out more about the Universal Offer Targeted Training and Targeted Support. Read the Learning Support Hub and Specialist Teaching Team Privacy Notice.

Universal Offer Targeted Training to support inclusion for children and young people with emerging needs, those at Special Educational Needs (SEN) Support or with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and our vulnerable learners. We aim to:

  • support ‘early and accurate identification of needs, high quality teaching of a knowledge rich curriculum'
  • improve mainstream provision by supporting settings to develop ‘a highly skilled and confident workforce across early years, schools and Further Education (FE)’
  • ensure ‘far more children and young people access the support they need in their local mainstream without the need for an EHCP’
  • share a ‘what works’ evidence programme to ‘identify and share good practice’ – support schools to create ‘well designed curriculum’ with ‘high ambition for children and young people with SEND

Requesting Targeted Training

To request group learning, training or guidance and advice about setting up a new provision in setting, complete the request form.

Targeted Training request form

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Targeted support for settings aims to ensure:

  • high quality targeted support for those children and young people that need it, this is more focussed on ‘individual needs’
  • bespoke training offer to meet needs of a specific setting or specific children and young people

Green paper states that we should Give schools "timely access to specialist services and support" to ensure "far more CYP (children and young people)... access the support they need in their local mainstream without the need for … specialist provision."

Examples of Targeted Support include:

  • initial observations and planning visits the half term before leading to a contract of agreement for the setting and City of York Council prior to work commencing
  • up to a half term block of work with varying intensity depending on need and intended outcome
  • intensive work may include some work at home
  • work can be face to face delivery of intervention, modelling practice, setting up a group, amendments to environment for example, or a selection of each
  • check in visits the half term after to evaluate impact
  • a coordinated, jointly planned offer; an agreement for one service at a time or a joint response
  • signposting to other services or training

Requesting Targeted Support for a child or young person

The Learning Support Hub provides a single point of entry to enable us to have a clearer picture of demand for support for children and young people and support better joined up workforce planning across education, health and care.

Applications should:

  • come from settings only but jointly written with families
  • clearly articulate need and current barrier to learning and progress as well as what provision is currently in place and what else has been tried
  • have well defined intended outcomes and success criteria from Targeted Support

To request targeted support for individual child or young person, complete the relevant application form:

Health colleagues should use the Health Learning Support Hub Referral Form.

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