The short breaks (100 hours) is changing
It will now be called Early Help Short Break Grant which will reflect the way the short breaks will now support with new referrals.
Any child who is referred into short breaks will be assessed on their individual need and any decisions will be made on an annual basis. Referrals will need to be made each year.
Referrals will be open twice a year and decisions made within those timescales.
If you are submitting a referral for more than one child you will need to complete a separate referral for each child.
If you have already submitted a referral for a PA and are currently in receipt of funding you do not need to re-apply.
Any financial decisions will be down to an individual need and City of York Council will look at supporting with a proportion of the overall costs. This will be paid as a one-off payment. We'll be asking what activity you're requesting support with and how much this is likely to cost. We'll then look to discuss what proportion of this will be awarded a grant. We will no longer be supporting with monthly payments for activities.
Once the budget for the year has been spent then any further requests for a short break grant will have to be made when the next round of referrals open.
To make a referral, come back to this page in April and October. At these 2 points during the year, the referral form will be open.