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Short Breaks

Short Breaks

Short Breaks for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), come in many different forms:

  • they can provide opportunities for disabled children to enjoy themselves and fulfil their potential through safe experiences with or without their parent carers
  • they give parent carers a break from caring, enabling them to have time to undertake whatever they would like to do, such as leisure activities, day-to-day tasks, spending time with other family members, education or training opportunities
  • they enhance the ability of parent carers to care more effectively

Short Breaks can last anything from a couple of hours to an evening, overnight or weekend according to assessed need and can be offered during daytimes, evenings, weekends and school holidays. Short Breaks can take place within or outside the home, in the community or in a residential setting.

All Short Breaks take place outside of the school day. This means that activities could happen in the evening, at a weekend or during school holidays.

Many Short Breaks take place outside of the family home; for example, in local leisure centres or community spaces. However, some Short Breaks may be within the family home with specialist support, such as personal assistant, depending on the need of the child or young person and their family.

Short Breaks can also include overnight stays, depending on the need of the child or young person, their family and the type of activity. This may be at the home of an approved Short Breaks Foster Carer or a Specialist Residential Home. These short breaks require a single assessment made through MASH.

Short Breaks in York are available to children and young people who:

  • have a special educational need or disability
  • are aged 0 to 18 years old
  • ordinarily reside in York

Parents are responsible for transporting their children to Short Breaks. Families who receive mobility allowance through Disability Living Allowance can use this to support their child’s transport needs. However, where transport issues would be a significant barrier to accessing a Short Break, these will be assessed and decided as part of the eligibility criteria.

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