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Education, Health and Care Plan

Education, Health and Care Plan

When a pupil is identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), educational settings such as preschools, schools and colleges should take action to put effective special educational provision in place.

All SEND support should follow the Graduated Approach, also called Assess, Plan, Do, Review. Once this cycle has been implemented, potentially for numerous successive cycles but progress is still not being made, you or school may decide it is time to request a needs assessment from the Local Authority. This assessment may result in an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a legal document which describes your child or young person's needs. It sets out the education, health and care services needed to meet those needs and the type of educational place that would best suit your child. Your child could have a plan from birth to 25 if they stay in education. The plan will change and develop as your child gets older.

The plan focuses on identifying individual outcomes and puts children, young people, and their families at the centre of the assessment, planning and review process.

Most children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabilities will have their needs met by their local mainstream early years setting, school or college. However, for those with complex needs that cannot be met by the support put in place by their school or college, an EHC needs assessment may be needed.

Before children and young people are given an EHCP, they will already have been receiving support, known as SEN support, from their school or setting.

Read more about identifying SEN, SEN Support and read our quick guide on how to know when to make an assessment.

Your steps

Step 1.
  • Request for assessment made by educational setting, parent carer or professional working with your child
Step 2.
  • The Local Authority will decide whether to assess or not based on evidence from Request for Assessment Paperwork
Step 3.
  • The Local Authority will decide whether to issue an EHCP or not based on the statutory evidence provided
Step 4.
  • If the Local Authority decide to issue an EHCP, the plan will be issued within 20 weeks

Find out more about requesting an EHCP, the 20 week process and annual reviews.