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Outcomes Framework

Outcomes Framework

We want all children and young people in York with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to be happy and live the best lives they can.

Young people, parents and carers have told us that the most important outcomes that all children and young people should achieve are, I am safe, I am becoming more independent, I can overcome challenges and difficulties on my own or with support, I achieve my goals, I have a choice and am heard, I am included, I am healthy.

An outcomes framework outlines a range of things that children themselves, families and professionals would like all children in York to do, have and achieve, for them to be living the best life they can.

A diagram of the SEND outcomes framework


The 0 to 25 SEND Code of practice (3.31), states that:

Local partners should identify the outcomes that matter to children and young people with SEN or disabilities to inform the planning and delivery of services and the monitoring of how well services have secured those outcomes

Therefore, we developed the York's Outcomes Framework.

Development of the Outcomes Framework

The Outcomes Framework was a very successful piece of joint partnership working. These are the steps we took to developing this Outcomes Framework with families:

  1. a Council for Disabled Children facilitated workshop was held in July 2020 with families to come up with a starting list of 7 outcomes
  2. the newly appointed parent carer forum took responsibility for sharing these 7 outcomes widely with families
  3. we did some research with families who are supported by the specialist teaching team in February 2021 - this showed us that we needed to do some more work on the wording used in the original 7 outcomes, and that it needed to be shared even wider
  4. in May 2021, we held an engagement session between families, City of York Council and Yorkshire and Humber Health and Care Partnership (formerly Vale of York CCG) to unpick the issues around wording, to finalise the wording and to discuss how we would measure and monitor our progress, at this event, it was clear that some changes needed to be made, such as changing one of the original outcomes. One outcome initially was 'I am resilient' and families did not like this
  5. after sharing ideas at the event, a survey was sent to families who are a part of the Parent Carer Forum and those who attended the event, to decide what we changed 'I am resilient' to 'I can overcome challenges and difficulties on my own or with support'

We're now working with families to share this as wide as possible.

Using our Outcomes Framework

The outcomes framework will change the way we measure how effective we are in supporting children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

We'll use this framework when we:

  • commission new services
  • check the quality of our practice
  • listen to voices of children and young people