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In York we value working in joint partnership with families. Joint Partnership means people who use services being consulted, included, and working together from the start to the end of any project that affects them. You may have also heard of this process being called co-production.

When joint partnership works best, people who use services are valued by organisations as equal partners, who can share power and have influence over decisions made. It also means that people are truly involved in planning and designing services from the very beginning.

Since our Model of Joint Partnership was developed, we've committed to working with parent carers and their children or young person in any change, improvement, or decision we make, both strategically and individually for that family, child or young person.

To get involved in our joint partnership working, email: [email protected] to be added to our Shaping SEN Together Distribution List. We’ll share with you any upcoming opportunities to work with us.

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Steps Project Survey

Researchers at York St John University are looking for parents and carers with a young person with SEN/D in Year 6 at mainstream school to complete a short survey to give insights about how the transition from primary school is going. They would also like to follow up again as the young person is in Year 7 to hear how it has gone.

The latest date for parents to join is 31st August 2024. To complete the survey, please click this link:

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Family feedback is used to evaluate our services and to make suitable changes.

It makes me feel listened to and it allows me to visualise and have an understanding of some of the people who make key decisions that affect my child’s journey. Your passion comes through and gives me confidence in the local authority. The consultation process, revamped local offer layout and events such as the session today allow me to become fully informed on the SEN (Special Educational Needs) ‘pathway’ locally.

Read more about how we have used family feedback:

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